Sunday, November 18, 2007

Radio Ad for the 2007 city elections

I wrote the following for the LP 2007 city races. It ran on two stations in Indy and then also in Wayne county. Kenn Gividen edited and offered suggestions.


Moms and Dads tell me they have concerns — concerns about Republicans and Democrats; they’re hurting hardworking families with high property taxes. Families are losing homes to foreclosure; some are dipping into college savings just to make ends meet.

Property Taxes are bad enough but now the politicians are talking about a mix of property taxes and payroll taxes. What this means to you is that instead of the politicians taking money from your kids's college fund, it will come directly from your paycheck... before you even see it.

Libertarians aren't like the big political parties. Libertarians believe that's wrong. Libertarians care about families.

Libertarians know that mixing property taxes and payroll taxes will hurt families.

Libertarians in office don’t vote for tax increases and will vote for spending decreases .

Tell the politicians that their wasteful spending is the real problem. Vote Libertarian November 6th.

Paid for by the Libertarian Party of Indiana

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